Direct or get involved with stage productions throughout the year.
Audition for acting parts.
Join weekly meetings with tea and biscuits.
Receive quarterly newsletter and invitations to organised social events, workshops & play readings.
Also eligible to become a committee member and vote at the AGM.
Adults must be a member (if under 18 years or still in full time education you do not need to be member).
Anyone under 18 years does not need to pay the membership fee, only the per production fee.
We are primarily an adult group although we do welcome younger members (aged 8 and over). However, we prefer that all younger members are accompanied by a parent or guardian as we cannot always guarantee that there will be a CRB checked person to take responsibility.
Please read our Child Protection Policy.
The Didcot Phoenix Drama group has a committee of up to six officers at least three other members, who meet regularly and are elected at the annual AGM.
Chair: Ali Driscoll
Secretary: Greg Greetham
Treasurer (and Membership): Elaine Fisher
Communications: Emma Westwood
Publicity: Anna Berry
General members:
Ruby Norton, Karen Carey, Bettina Hughes, Paul Smith, Maria Xucla Lerma