One of the biggest highlights in the social calendar is the yearly quiz, hosted by the previous years winners. Questions range from well known facts and current news to the down right bizarre. No year is ever the same!
Everyone is welcome so bring family and friends along, create a team and be part of a great evening with Phoenix Drama!
For those not involved in the current production, play readings are held to look at potential material for future productions.
These are a lot of fun and allow members to stretch themselves in different roles. It is also a good opportunity for our writers to test their material.
Other events include the Summer BBQ, Games Day and the Christmas Party.
Occasionally we also head out of Didcot to see other plays, including fellow amateur societies, particularly at drama festivals.
Don't forget to cheer us on in the annual Didcot Street Parade!
After a year apart - we could finally get together in small groups, so we organised a treasure hunt style event. Here are the results!!!
1. Memorable Vocal moment
- Keith Norman and Fraser Norton for "You're the One that I want "
2. Funniest Comedy Duo
- Keith Norman & Fraser Norton for Dame & Chancellor in Rumpelstiltskin
3. Scene Stealer Cameo performance
- Paul F J Smith for Snufflechops the rabbit
4. Best mime performance
- Yulia Osipova for the imaginary trombone/unicycle routine
5. Best hat
- Anna Berry for the woollen hat in Primrose Way
6. Best prop handler
- Rachael Caulton and Juan Diego for handling the sedan chair
7. Overcoming Costume Conundrums
- Paul Smith for his lead work in "Bench at the Edge"
8. Technical support and innovation
- Bob Philbrook for the lightweight folding stage scenery
9. Non-theatrical event
- board games cafe (Geraldine Rouse, Anna Berry & Paul Smith)
10. Non Phoenix hero
- Jessica Cooke
1 DAFTA Award for Outstanding "Original" Production
Malcolm & Jane - Original script at a new location for us all, The Odcombe Legstretcher
2 DAFTA Award for Best Costume Contribution
Elaine - Indian costumes (and mending Dave's skirt after he tore it), Red Riding Hood Goes Out West
3 DAFTA Award for Memorable Prop Moment
Elizabeth & Greg - Stunning double sword catch, Reduced Shakespeare
4 DAFTA Award for Best Song Performance
Greg - Don't Stop me now (and I will remember the lines), Red Riding Hood Goes Out West
5 DAFTA Award for Best Stand-in
Gerry - Combining Barmaid and Landlady, The Odcombe Legstretcher
6 DAFTA Imaginary Item Award
Diego - Descending the "stairs" in the Shoe Shop sketch , Cheshire Cats
7 DAFTA Award Notable New Member
Verity - Red Riding Hood Goes Out West
8 DAFTA Award for Rising Star
Elly - Noble Stallion, Red Riding Hood Goes Out West
9 DAFTA Award for Little Rising Star
Izzy - Fluffy wuffy bunny feet , Red Riding Hood Goes Out West
10 DAFTA Award for Best Set
Bob - Saloon Doors, Red Riding Hood Goes Out West
11 DAFTA Award for Best Musical Accompaniment
Daisy & Greg - Original Ukulele interpretation of Zipper Dee Do Da, Red Riding Hood Goes Out West
12 DAFTA Award for Dramatic Monologue
Faye - Emotional final speech, Cheshire Cats
13 DAFTA Award for Unsung Hero
Elaine - Behind the scenes contributions
14 DAFTA Award for Persisting in the face of Adversity
Euan, Masha, Matilda - Too early with rope, but continued until the right moment , Red Riding Hood Goes Out West
15 DAFTA Award Group Award
Faye, Ruby, Ali, Anna, Katherine -Making their own iconic cat bras, Cheshire Cats
16 DAFTA Outstanding Contribution 2018
Dave Rehearsed readings